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Covid ‘Bad News’ Looms: Scientist’s Warning on COVID 19 New Variant and Impending Wave

Covid ‘Bad News’ Looms: Scientist’s Warning on COVID 19 New Variant and Impending Wave:

A leading scientist’s warning has cast a spotlight on the potential resurgence of the virus as a COVID 19 new variant hits Europe.

As the world continues its battle against the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, new challenges and uncertainties emerge.

With the approaching return of children to school and adults to offices after the summer holidays, concerns are mounting over a potential large wave of COVID-19 cases.

The Warning Signs

Professor Christina Pagel from University College London has issued a stark warning about the possibility of a significant wave of COVID-19 cases hitting this September.

Professor Christina Pagel from University College London

The confluence of factors, including the return to school and work, waning vaccine protection, and the emergence of new Omicron substrains, creates a scenario that could lead to increased infections.

Factors at Play

The professor’s concerns stem from the declining immunity among certain age groups.

Those under 50, who have not received a vaccine dose in 18 months, and under 75s who were last vaccinated in 2022, are facing reduced protection against the latest Omicron variants.

Additionally, the transition from summer to autumn encourages more indoor activities, providing fertile ground for the virus to spread.

The Anticipated Wave

Professor Pagel’s analysis points to a potentially large wave of COVID-19 infections in the coming weeks.

However, she emphasizes that this wave is not likely to cause a significant surge in hospitalizations or deaths due to the protection offered by vaccines and past infections.

Nonetheless, any increase in the burden on hospitals is concerning given the existing challenges in the healthcare system.

The Broader Impact

While hospital admissions and deaths might not experience a massive spike, the consequences of infection extend beyond these immediate metrics.

A new variant has emerged, found in Israel and Denmark.

The persistence of long COVID symptoms poses an ongoing significant problem for individuals.

Symptoms like persistent fatigue and brain fog can impact people’s lives, and the virus’s effects can also lead to absenteeism from the workforce.

Learning from the Past

The year 2022 witnessed substantial waves of COVID-19 cases, driven by various Omicron variants.

However, the current year has seen smaller waves, attributed to the high level of vaccination and previous infections.

Professor Pagel’s analysis suggests that the new Omicron substrains haven’t differed significantly enough to trigger large waves amidst a vaccinated and previously infected population.

The Unnamed Variant

Amidst these discussions, a new variant has emerged, found in Israel and Denmark.

This variant, yet to be officially named, has caught the attention of experts due to its many new mutations.

Some of these mutations have been associated with increased fitness and immune escape, creating a level of uncertainty about their potential impact.

Vigilance and Preparation

The emergence of the Eris subvariant (EG.5), which is highly transmissible, has contributed to a recent surge in COVID-19 cases.

While the situation is being closely monitored, experts advise ramping up surveillance efforts to prevent any potential vulnerabilities, especially in the upcoming winter months.

The Call to Action

In light of these developments, calls have been made for people to once again consider wearing face masks and coverings.

Calls have been made for people to once again consider wearing face masks and coverings.

The evolving nature of the virus and the emergence of new variants necessitate a proactive approach to safeguarding public health.

Experts emphasize the importance of vigilance, surveillance, and a cautious outlook as we navigate the complexities of the pandemic.

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