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Fans sing along with Lewis Capaldi


Lewis Capaldi’s performance at the Glastonbury Festival was interrupted as he experienced symptoms of Tourette syndrome. However, the incident highlighted the strong bond between the Scottish singer and his fans.

Capaldi, 26, started experiencing tics associated with Tourette syndrome at the beginning of his performance, which intensified as he began to sing his hit song “Someone You Loved.” Despite his challenges, the crowd stepped in and sang the entire song in support.

Tourette syndrome is a condition characterized by uncontrollable repetitive movements or sounds (tics). Capaldi apologized to the audience at the end of his set, expressing his frustration. He mentioned taking a break for the next few weeks and possibly the rest of the year, but assured fans that he would return and hoped they would still support him.

Capaldi shared that performing at Glastonbury was his dream and that even if he never got to do it again, this experience was enough. The moment received praise on social media, with fans and journalists recognizing the impact it had on raising awareness of Tourette syndrome.

Capaldi’s openness about his diagnosis and the challenges he faces resonated with others who have the condition. The supportive response from the crowd was seen as a beautiful gesture, acknowledging the importance of acceptance and understanding.

The singer had previously announced the cancellation of tour dates leading up to Glastonbury to focus on his mental and physical well-being. He expressed gratitude for the support he receives and his ongoing learning process regarding his diagnosis.

Lewis Capaldi’s courageous performance at Glastonbury showcased his resilience and the unity between him and his fans, leaving a lasting impact and raising awareness about Tourette syndrome.

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