Shocking Downfall of the George Mickum Selling Fake Birkins to NYC Socialites

Shocking Downfall of the George Mickum Selling Fake Birkins to NYC Socialites

In the glamorous world of New York high society, fashion, and status reign supreme.

George Mickum, once the best friend of Gillian Hearst, found himself exposed.

His scheme to deceive wealthy socialites by selling them fake Hermès Birkin bags has come to a crashing halt.

The allure of luxury fashion items, especially the iconic Hermès Birkin bags, has always captivated the elite circles of New York City.

These exclusive handbags are a status symbol, with their high price tags and limited availability making them highly sought after.

Original Hermès

However, George Mickum saw an opportunity to exploit this desire for exclusivity and profit by selling fake Birkins to unsuspecting socialites.

George Mickum, once a close friend of Gillian Hearst, daughter of media heiress Patty Hearst, managed to infiltrate the inner circle of New York high society.

With his charismatic personality and seemingly genuine connections, Mickum gained the trust of influential individuals looking to acquire elusive Birkin bags.

Little did they know that Mickum’s offerings were elaborate counterfeits, carefully crafted to deceive even the most discerning eye.

Mickum’s downfall began in 2022 when he made a bold promise to a fashion executive. He claimed he could procure a 40-centimeter version of the coveted Hermès Haut à Courroies Birkin (HAC) in a rare khaki green color.

Knowing the bag’s scarcity in stores, the executive saw an opportunity to save time and money by working with Mickum.

Original Hermès

To bolster his credibility, Mickum sent the executive a photo of a receipt supposedly from the Hermès store in Paris.

The receipt appeared authentic, featuring the store’s address, a purchase date, and even a pale yellow Hermès watermark.

However, it was riddled with errors and discrepancies that raised suspicions when later examined by Alexis Clarbour, a luxury-bag reseller.

When Mickum delivered the bag to the executive, he committed another blunder that would further expose his scam.

Instead of presenting the bag in a signature orange Hermès box, he carelessly stuffed it into a Bergdorf Goodman shopping bag. The lack of attention to detail was evident, and the executive realized something was amiss.

Upon inspecting the HAC, the executive immediately recognized that Mickum had sold him a laughably low-quality fake.

Shocking Downfall of the George Mickum Selling Fake Birkins to NYC Socialites
George Mickum

The bag lacked the structural integrity and craftsmanship associated with genuine Hermès Birkins.

There were no date stamps or craft stamps, and it was highly unlikely that the bag had even been produced when Mickum claimed to have purchased it.

The revelation of Mickum’s fraudulent activities sent shockwaves through New York’s high society.

It was discovered that he had sold at least six fake Hermès bags to friends, including Gillian Hearst.

The victims were understandably outraged, having spent substantial sums on what they believed to be authentic luxury goods.

Legal actions were considered, and the tarnished reputations of those involved began to unravel.


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