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California Issues Advisory on Hurricane Hilary: Preparing for Potential Impact

California Issues Advisory on Hurricane Hilary: Preparing for Potential Impact

The State of California is on high alert as it closely monitors the progression of Hurricane Hilary in the Pacific Ocean.

With the potential for significant impacts on the state, California is gearing up for preparedness and response measures.

Keeping a Watchful Eye

Hurricane Hilary

As Hurricane Hilary gains strength in the Pacific Ocean, the State of California remains vigilant.

Recently classified as a Category 2 Hurricane by the National Hurricane Center, Hilary’s maximum sustained winds have reached approximately 105 miles per hour, with the potential for even higher gusts.

The forecast indicates the likelihood of the hurricane further intensifying to a major hurricane, highlighting the urgency of preparedness measures.

Coordinated Response Efforts

Governor Gavin Newsom has taken proactive steps by directing the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) to coordinate response efforts across state agencies.

Hurricane Hilary

Cal OES is in constant communication with key entities such as the National Hurricane Center, the National Weather Service, and county emergency management officials.

The goal is to ensure a unified and effective response to the potential impacts of Hurricane Hilary.

The Role of State Operations Center

The State Operations Center in Mather, California, is at the forefront of coordinating an early and organized response.

This includes the mobilization of resources to regions that may be affected and the establishment of plans for response and recovery efforts post-storm.

The focus is not only on immediate impact but also on safeguarding vulnerable communities that could be disproportionately affected.

Anticipating Impact: Southern California

The forecast indicates that Hurricane Hilary is likely to track into Southern California over the upcoming weekend and early next week.

This projection brings with it the potential for moderate to heavy showers, thunderstorms, and potentially stronger winds.

Hurricane Hilary

The state is taking specific precautions for possible flooding impacts, with high river levels anticipated, particularly in San Diego areas, starting Saturday night.

Uncertainty and Preparedness

While the forecast provides valuable insight, the location and intensity of precipitation and winds remain variable as the hurricane approaches California.

This variability emphasizes the importance of preparedness measures across the state.

Residents are encouraged to stay informed through official channels and follow guidance from local authorities.

Potential Impact on Central and Northern California

The reach of Hurricane Hilary may extend beyond Southern California.

Depending on the storm’s trajectory, there’s the possibility of impacts reaching Central and Northern California by Monday and Tuesday.

State agencies are maintaining a proactive stance, ready to adapt and respond according to changing conditions.

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