Affirmative Action

Assessing the Long-Term Impacts of the Supreme Court’s Affirmative Action Decision on Education


  • Uncertainty Looms: Education leaders contemplate the long-term consequences of the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling on affirmative action.
  • Massachusetts‘ Perspective: Education Secretary Patrick Tutwiler shares concerns and discusses alternative methods to ensure diversity.

1. The Aftermath of the Court’s Decision

1.1 A Disagreement with the Verdict

  • Massachusetts’ Education Secretary Patrick Tutwiler expresses disagreement with the Supreme Court’s decision.

  • The Impact of Affirmative Action: Concerns arise regarding the decline in college enrollment among students of color in states that previously banned affirmative action.

1.2 Learning from Lived Experiences

  • Drawing from Others’ Lessons: Tutwiler emphasizes the need to learn from states that witnessed declines in enrollment of students of color.
  • Avoiding Similar Declines: Massachusetts aims to prevent a similar downturn in diversity in its public universities.

2. Pursuing Alternative Paths to Diversity

  • Exploring New Avenues: Schools and education officials actively seek alternative approaches to ensure diversity within their institutions.
  • Geographic and Economic Diversity: Tutwiler highlights the importance of considering geographic and economic factors in achieving diversity goals.

3. Collaborative Efforts in Massachusetts

  • Unity in Response: Massachusetts’ Education Secretary Tutwiler joins Sharman Sacchetti and Ed Harding on “On The Record” to share his concerns.

  • Joint Statement: Over 100 Massachusetts institutions of higher education, advocacy organizations, and elected officials sign a statement in response to the Supreme Court’s decision.

4. A Focus on Moving Forward

  • Embracing Lessons Learned: Massachusetts aims to avoid the enrollment declines experienced in states that banned affirmative action.
  • Diverse Perspectives: Geographic and economic diversity can contribute to creating inclusive environments in colleges and universities.


The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to strike down affirmative action has left education leaders uncertain about its long-term impacts. Massachusetts’ Education Secretary, Patrick Tutwiler, voices his disagreement with the court’s ruling and expresses concerns about the potential decline in college enrollment among students of color, as witnessed in states that previously banned affirmative action.

To mitigate these potential declines, schools and education officials in Massachusetts are actively seeking alternative methods to ensure diversity within their institutions. c suggests that considering factors like geographic and economic diversity can play a vital role in achieving this goal.

Collaborative efforts are underway in Massachusetts, with Tutwiler joining discussions and signing a joint statement along with over 100 institutions of higher education, advocacy organizations, and elected officials. By learning from the lived experiences of other states and embracing diverse perspectives, Massachusetts aims to chart a path forward that promotes inclusivity and avoids the enrollment declines seen elsewhere.

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