Property Tax

Texas House and Senate Strike Deal: Cutting Property Taxes to Benefit Homeowners and Businesses

In a significant development for Texans, the Texas House and Senate have reached a historic agreement on reducing property taxes. The deal, which allocates a substantial $12 billion, aims to provide relief to homeowners, businesses, and school districts across the state. This comprehensive legislation, expected to pass later this week, signifies a significant milestone in Texas’ ongoing efforts to address property tax burdens and promote economic growth.

A Breakthrough for Taxpayers

After months of deliberation and negotiation among top Texas Republicans, state lawmakers have emerged with an $18 billion compromise that will bring tangible benefits to property owners. The agreement, including the $5 billion previously approved for property tax relief in 2019, sets the stage for lowering taxes for the state’s 5.7 million homeowners.

The proposed legislation encompasses several key provisions designed to alleviate the burden of property taxes while fostering economic prosperity. Notably, it introduces a temporary cap on appraisal increases for non-homesteaded properties, offers franchise tax relief for small businesses, and directs substantial funds to school districts to facilitate tax reductions. While the legislation does not allocate additional funding for public education, it presents a significant stride towards easing the financial load on property owners.

non-homestead rates

The Path Ahead: Approval and Implementation

For the deal to come into effect, it must secure approval from both chambers of the Texas Legislature before landing on the desk of Governor Greg Abbott. Expressing his enthusiasm for the legislation, Governor Abbott eagerly awaits the opportunity to sign into law the largest property tax cut in Texas history. Following this, Texans will have the chance to endorse the plan through a constitutional election in November. Should voters support the proposal, the tax cuts will take effect from the 2023 tax year onwards.

Governor Greg Abbott.

Governor Abbott’s commitment to returning a substantial portion of the state’s budget surplus to property taxpayers resonates strongly with his pledge during his campaign. By delivering on this promise, Texas sets a remarkable precedent for fiscal responsibility and taxpayer support, ensuring that hardworking residents reap the benefits of a thriving economy.

Bridging the Divide: Collaboration and Success

The culmination of negotiations between Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan, and lawmakers from both chambers has been instrumental in reaching this pivotal agreement. After weeks of discussions, this breakthrough signifies a great day for all property owners. The collaborative efforts of Texas leaders have paved the way for a comprehensive bill that prioritizes the interests of homeowners and businesses alike.

Key Highlights of the Property Tax Relief Bill

The legislation sets aside approximately $12.6 billion to reduce the school property tax rate by an impressive 10.7 cents per $100 valuation for homeowners and business properties. Additionally, it expands the state’s homestead exemption from $40,000 to $100,000, with an estimated cost of $5.3 billion. This increase in exemption provides homeowners with further relief and ensures a fairer tax system. Furthermore, the bill includes provisions for senior citizens and property owners with disabilities, offering them additional financial respite, averaging around $170 per year.

According to State Senator Paul Bettencourt, the bill’s author, the deal stands to save the average homeowner approximately 41.5% on property taxes each year, resulting in an average savings of about $1,300 annually. With significant reductions in tax burdens, the legislation truly empowers property owners and fosters a more favorable business environment.

Mitigating Appraisal Increases: A Step Towards Fairness

A notable component of the plan addresses concerns surrounding appraisal increases. The agreement introduces a three-year, 20% cap on appraisal increases for commercial and non-homesteaded properties valued at $5 million or below. While this provision represents a departure from the original proposal, it aims to create stability and protect property owners from unpredictable spikes in taxable valuations. This measure serves as a critical safeguard, ensuring that businesses and non-homestead property owners can plan effectively and mitigate undue tax burdens.

A Circuit Breaker Program: Promoting Fairness and Stability

Another innovative aspect of the agreement is the implementation of a pilot program referred to as a “circuit breaker.” Although this program shares a name with similar initiatives in other states, it functions differently in the Texas context. The circuit breaker program in Texas does not factor in a person’s income or ability to pay property taxes, nor does it exclusively benefit lower-income taxpayers. Instead, it focuses on capping appraisals for lower-valued non-homesteaded properties. This program, set to expire on December 31, 2026, offers relief to property owners with lower-valued properties.

A Victory for Texans and the Economy

By reducing property taxes, providing relief to small-business owners, and reforming the appraisal system, this agreement represents a significant victory for all Texans. The legislation ensures economic growth, prosperity, and improved competitiveness, positioning Texas as a desirable destination for homeowners and businesses alike. Speaker Dade Phelan aptly summarizes the significance of this historic deal, stating, “Reducing property taxes, providing relief to small-business owners, and reforming our appraisal system will ensure economic growth and prosperity, and this agreement is a significant victory for all Texans.”

A Unified Approach: Consolidated Efforts for Tax Relief

In addition to the property tax relief bill, other measures for franchise tax relief and the necessary constitutional amendments have been filed. The comprehensive nature of this deal highlights the unity among Texas lawmakers in addressing tax burdens and championing taxpayer interests. With an unprecedented budget surplus of nearly $33 billion this year, Texas Republicans have remained steadfast in their commitment to delivering meaningful tax relief to property owners across the state.

A Long-Awaited Resolution: Uniting for Texans

The resolution of the months-long standoff between the House and Senate showcases the determination and perseverance of Texas lawmakers. Despite initial differences and diverging approaches, the spirit of collaboration and compromise has prevailed. This unified effort demonstrates the commitment of state leaders to listen to the concerns of Texans and work towards solutions that benefit all residents.

As the Lone Star State embarks on a new chapter of tax relief and economic prosperity, this historic agreement sets a precedent for effective governance and responsible financial management. By easing the property tax burden on homeowners and businesses, Texas continues to foster an environment of growth, opportunity, and success for its citizens.

Read More: Affirmitive Action

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