Declaration of Independence

Introduction and Purpose:

  • The Declaration of Independence was unanimously adopted by the thirteen United States of America on July 4, 1776.
  • The document explains the reasons behind the separation of the American colonies from British rule.

Key Principles and Rights

  • “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
  • Governments are established to secure these rights and derive their power from the consent of the governed.
  • The people have the right to alter or abolish a government that becomes destructive to their rights.

Grievances Against the King of Great Britain

  • The king refused to pass necessary laws and neglected the concerns of the people.
  • He has obstructed the rights of representation and imposed unfair conditions on the population.
  • The king interfered with the administration of justice and created new offices to oppress the people.
  • Standing armies have been kept without consent, and the military has been made superior to the civil power.
  • The king collaborated with others to impose foreign jurisdiction and denied the rights of the colonists.
  • He has quartered troops, protected them from punishment, and cut off trade with other nations.
  • Taxes have been imposed without consent, depriving the colonists of their benefits.
  • The king undermined English laws and altered the forms of colonial governments.
  • Our own legislatures have been suspended, and the king has declared the power to legislate for us in all cases.

Conclusion and Declaration of Independence

  • The king has abandoned the colonies, waged war against them, and caused destruction.
  • Foreign mercenaries have been brought in to further oppress the colonies.
  • The king has incited domestic insurrections and unleashed merciless Indian savages on the frontiers.
  • Despite repeated petitions, the king has shown himself to be a tyrant unworthy of ruling a free people.
  • The colonists must separate from Britain and declare themselves as Free and Independent States.
  • They possess the power to levy war, establish alliances, and engage in acts befitting independent nations.
  • The signatories pledge their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to support this declaration.

Also read: 4th of July, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin

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